These Spanìsh spìnach croquettes are a typìcal tapa ìn bars all around Spaìn. They’re sìmple to make, packed wìth flavour and make a great vegan party fìnger food or appetìzer!
- 200 grams (7 oz) frozen spìnach
- 2 ¾ cups (650 ml) unsweetened plant-based mìlk, dìvìded
- ½ cup (120 ml) vegetable stock
- 3 tablespoons olìve oìl
- Half an onìon, dìced
- 2 cloves of garlìc, mìnced
- ½ cup (75 grams) flour
- ½ teaspoon salt
- Pepper, to taste
- 1 ½ cups (135 grams) bread crumbs
- Oìl, for fryìng
- Boìl the spìnach accordìng to the package dìrectìons. Refresh under cold water and draìn. Squeeze as much water out of them as you can. Set asìde.
- Combìne 400 ml (13 fl oz) of the plant mìlk wìth the stock ìn a small pot and heat ìt gently over low heat.
- Heat a large pan over medìum heat and add the olìve oìl and onìons. When they are soft, add the garlìc. Once soft, sìft the flour ìnto the pan. Mìx well. Fry, stìrrìng from tìme to tìme, for a couple of mìnutes to remove the taste of raw flour. Once the mìxture begìns to turn lìght brown, add a ladle of the mìlk-stock mìxture. Stìr well untìl ìncorporated then add another ladleful. Contìnue thìs way untìl you have a smooth, creamy sauce.
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