Spider Web Eggs (Guacamole Deviled Eggs)
I must sound like a broken record lately when I say that I've been too busy to blog, but I have been too busy. Since I took on the PTA at my boys school, it has been the only thing I've been giving my time and attention to since August (i.e. no blog posts at all in September.) I figured this would happen since I'm new to the role and it has taken me a while to get things going. This is also why I spent all summer blogging my Halloween recipes. I wanted to get a jump on the Halloween season knowing full well that I wouldn't have much time once school started. But now that things are beginning to slow a bit, I'm anxious to get back in the saddle and ride out the remaining days to Halloween with a few more Halloween inspired dishes. Starting with an appetizer course of these deliciously beautiful and fantastically festive Spider Web Eggs!
You can tell right away these are not your typical Deviled Eggs with its cool looking egg whites veined with bright purple and blue spider webs along with it's bright green filling with the flavor and spice of guacamole. Dare I say, a healthier choice in fat, the avocado replaces the mayo and is heavily spiced with cilantro, garlic, onion, cumin and cayenne. Delicious! Then I topped the whole thing off with crushed Blue Corn Chips, which was just what all that rich guacamole filling needed!
Check out this easy and delicious recipe that will most certainly impress your guests at your next Halloween Party.
Happy Halloween!

Makes 12
6 eggs, hard boiled
1/4 t purple gel food coloring in water
Boil eggs. Cool under running water and refrigerate for about 4 hours or overnight.
Remove eggs from the refrigerator and using the back of a spoon, tap the shells in various places. This is what gives you the spiderweb pattern. Into a large bowl and add enough water to cover the eggs and add the gel food coloring and mix well. Add eggs to colored water and Refrigerate the eggs overnight.
Drain water and peel the shells to reveal the cool spidery webs of color. This is the most fun part of this recipe. The eggs are stunningly beautiful. I may never color Easter eggs the same way again.
Cut eggs in half, place yolks in a food processor and continue to prepare the guacamole egg filling below. Place egg white halves in single layer in a shallow dish and refrigerate until ready to assemble.
Guacamole Egg Filling
yolks of 6 hard boiled eggs
1 avocado
juice of one lime
1-2 T cilantro leaves
1/2 t onion powder
1/2 t garlic powder
1/4 t ground cumin
1/4 t cayenne pepper (to taste)
salt to taste
Blue corn chips, crushed (garnish)
In a food processor, blend yolks, avocado, lime, and herbs and spices until very smooth. Transfer into a piping bag with a star tip and pipe into spiderweb eggs and garnish with crushed blue corn chips or red pepper flakes (not pictured) or even top with your favorite salsa for a bloody effect. Enjoy!

Ghoulish Goat Cheese Torte
Amputated Appetizer
Fangtini (Blood Orange Martini)