
It's been a while since I've cooked, let alone blogged. I've been too busy giving my time away to others to take the time for myself. But my kiddos are on Spring break this week and I've finally had some time to "Chillax" as my 8-year old Jackson says. And I'm thankful for the time off.

Basically, I've done next to nothing..I've read 4 books since last Saturday. It's been heaven being able to sink so deeply into these fictional worlds, an escape from reality. But I'll admit, I've felt a wee bit guilty because I've allowed my kids to play video games all day with the occasional break to play catch or take a bike ride...I'm sure the mom-critics (including my husband a few times these last few days) would say, that I'm being a bad mother by allowing it. But to be honest, I've needed the break. 

Allowing endless video games and my submersion into fictional worlds aside, I realized I really need the break away from the kiddos. 
I need to be just me, not a mom with a thousand responsibilities. I broke down to my husband and cried,..."I need a vacation!"

In fact...We both do. The last time we had any time off together was probably 2 or 3 years ago for our anniversary...sigh* 

Back when we both worked full-time, vacations were easy to take because we had money to do it, whether it was a weekend trip or just a quick date night with a sitter. Back when we both worked, we had money to pay for someone to clean our house each week and we were able to go out to dinner if I got home late or if I hadn't made it to the grocery store. 
These were convenience luxuries that made up for the time I was at work because, I couldn't do it all myself. 
So on the days when the kids are on vacation from school, I want to be on vacation too and that's when I most miss those luxuries. I don't want to clean my house. I don't want to cook. I want to go out to dinner, sleep in, and let my kids play video games all day. A vacation at home.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I love being home with the kids and I am so thankful for my husband working so hard to allow me to be home with them, I just need a small break to remember who I am and reconnect with my husband, who works so hard for us. I'm thankful for my husband being my biggest supporter when I feel lost, upset, conflicted or just plain tired. Especially lately... he has been my rock and my biggest supporter when I probably didn't deserve his constant support. He supported me when my priorities shifted away from us and then witnessed the toll it took with unhappiness. 

I'm ashamed to say, I take him for granted too often.

He's always there to support and challenge me when I need it; he fights the good fight for me and against me when I need a wake up call.

I'm so thankful for this man whose had the misfortune to marry this head-strong, stubborn woman who seems impossible to please. I'm thankful for his ability to break through the toughness I throw up to protect my insecurities and how he selflessly works to make things all right. 

In line with his generous and loving way to make everything all husband heard my cry for a vacation and booked a two day trip for us! No kids. We leave today. I love you baby! :)

....So somewhere in the last few days between video games, reading, crying and vacation planning I made this amazing Shakshuka. If you are not familiar with the dish, like me, Shakshuka is a Tunisian dish of eggs poached in a spicy tomato sauce. I saw it on Pinterest and I was inspired to make it. I'd say it's most similar to the Latin dish, Huevos Rancheros, but if you remove the poached eggs, it's also reminiscent to Ratatouille. It's amazingly delicious! Enjoy!

Shakshuka (recipe adapted from Smitten Kitchen)
Serves 4-6

3 large Anaheim chilies, seeded and chopped
1 small onion, chopped
2 T olive oil.
5 cloves garlic, minced
3 cloves, roughly chopped
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 Tbsp paprika, (I used smoked paprika)
1/2 tsp coriander
cayenne pepper (to taste)
Kosher salt (to taste)
1- 28oz can of whole tomatoes, crushed
1 cup of fresh tomato puree
4-6 eggs
pita bread
feta cheese
fresh spinach, thinly sliced (garnish)

In a large skillet, cook onions and chilies over medium high heat, in oil until soft and golden brown. About 6-8 minutes. Add garlic and spices and cook an additional 2 minutes. In a large bowl, add tomatoes and crush by hand. Add crushed tomatoes with sauce and tomato puree to the skillet. Cover and cook over medium high heat for a minimum of 1 hour. (The original recipe calls for a lot less cooking time but the tomatoes were too acidic for my taste so I cooked the sauce, covered for an hour in order to sweeten the tomatoes and blend the chilies and the sauce turned out fantastic!)  

Add eggs, cover and heat an additional 8-10 minutes until the eggs are set but the yolks are still soft. 

Top with feta and spinach and serve with pita bread. Enjoy!

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